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Columbia Demerit Point System Lawyer

Although basic traffic offenses can be settled without any demerit points being given to the accused –  not all are this lucky. In cases where more than one or two points may be dealt, it is incredibly important to have an experienced Columbia traffic lawyer by your side. If you have found yourself in a situation where you are challenging many points on your license, it is crucial to have an attorney fighting for you and keeping your best interests in mind.

Determination of Points

The Maryland Annotated Code or the Code of Maryland Regulations identifies the number of points assigned with each violation. Demerit points remain on a person’s record until they are expunged by the MVA after the violation. After two years from the violation date, the points are not current anymore. Since this is public information for three years from when the violation occurred, an insurance company or employer can see how many points are on a person’s record.

The points are removed automatically after three years if a person has not committed another moving violation, or other criminal offense involving a motor vehicle during this three-year period. The individual must also make sure their license has not been suspended or revoked, and they have never been convicted of driving while intoxicated, fleeing the scene of an accident, or any similar violations.

Jurisdictions Outside Columbia

If someone is convicted of a traffic violation in a jurisdiction other than Columbia, Maryland, the MVA assesses those demerit points onto their driver’s record. The type of out-of-state violations where points can be assessed by the Maryland MVA includes any alcohol or drug related offense, homicide or manslaughter involving the use of a motor vehicle, use of a motor vehicle, and the commission of a felony or leaving the scene of a personal injury accident. The point values identified in Maryland law for a similar offense that occurred outside of Maryland, determines the number of points put onto a person’s driver’s record.

Maryland & the Uniform Demerit System

Maryland does not use the uniform demerit point system. The state is a part of the Driver License Compact Program that guides the MVA’s actions. That means that Maryland notifies the out-of-state driver’s home state if there is a violation of any traffic laws in Maryland.

Removing Demerit Points

A person can request that the points manually be removed from their driver’s record instead of waiting for them to automatically be removed after three years. They are able to make the request if they meet the qualifications. Those include the length of time the person did not have any other violations and the date of their last violation. The MVA makes a decision whether to manually remove a person’s points based on Maryland law. You are not required to go to a hearing for this process.

Benefits of an Attorney

A Columbia traffic lawyer can help the accused individual greatly. They can do this by ensuring the best possible outcome for the case while making arguments on your behalf that may lead to a reduction of demerit points on your record. With many possible penalties on the line, it is always crucial to have a Columbia traffic lawyer representing the case.

Columbia Demerit Point System Lawyer