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Columbia Robbery Trials

Robbery is a serious crime in Columbia. It is a felony charge and can have serious penalties and consequences. A person charged with robbery should contact an attorney who can challenge the State’s evidence and statements during a Columbia robbery trial.

A robbery conviction can have long-term impacts on someone’s reputation, it can lead to jail time, and other serious consequences. However, a skilled Columbia robbery attorney can do everything in their power to lessen the penalties and negotiate with the judge or jury on your behalf.

Trial Process

Whether or not a case is put on trial depends on a variety of factors. Robbery cases are tried in a courtroom in the same way as any felony charge. The case takes place in the circuit court in the county where the charges are brought. Each case comes with a different set of evidence and a different strategy, so whether a robbery case goes to trial depends on different factors.

For example, in a robbery case with video surveillance of the incident that is admissible and clearly identifies the person, that case might not be tried as often as a case with a question about the identity of the person who was arrested. Perhaps there is no video footage to corroborate what the police allege about the person who was charged. Whether a case goes to trial depends on the specific facts and physical evidence for the case.

Preparing for Trial

Important things a person should know before appearing in court for their first court date are that robbery charges are serious felony charges. A person charged with robbery should retain an attorney who is competent in the area of robbery and handle serious felony charges to make sure they get the best result possible.

Additionally, robbery cases can have a great deal of evidence produced by the state. The attorney should be well-versed in these areas of law to keep some of the evidence out of a Columbia robbery trial against their client. The evidence can be deemed inaccurate, prejudicial, or was collected unlawfully.

Cases are Public

Robbery cases are open to the public as is every other case according to the Constitution of the United States. Generally, the only circumstances in a criminal court where public trials do not take place are to preserve the identity of a witness such as a small child in a sex-related case or when juveniles are involved. Most criminal cases are constitutionally required to be held in public and the public can access any phase of the trial.

Unique Aspects of Robbery Trials

Robbery charges are serious felony charges. Criminal trials can have varying levels of severity depending on the charges being brought. Strategically speaking, robbery cases involve the use of force to commit a theft.

The strategies a defense attorney might employ for a robbery case can be different from the strategy they employ for a sex offense allegation. Robbery cases generally do not have DNA patterns that are run, but there can be fingerprints when a weapon is involved. The nuances of a robbery case depend on the evidence and should be handled by an attorney with experience in criminal cases and felony robbery cases.

Duration of a Case

Usually, after a case is indicted, it is required to be tried within 180 days as per the rules of speedy trial within the State of Maryland. Sometimes cases can go beyond 180 days when the state can demonstrate good cause. However, without those representations, six months is a reasonable amount of time to expect the case to come to a resolution.

First Court Date

Cases can be resolved on the first court date when the state elects to not proceed on the charges. The state may know that there is no case or may have reasonable cause to recognize that there are problems with the case. They can choose to reduce the charges or offer a resolution to the case that is enticing to the person being charged in terms of plea negotiations. The state can offer to close the matter short of a Columbia robbery trial where the resolution might be more beneficial than taking the risk of going to trial and leaving the case in the hands of a judge or a jury to determine the outcome and consequences

Columbia Robbery Trials