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2020 Kush Arora Federal Justice Reform Scholarship

As a dedicated Maryland criminal defense attorney, Kush Arora focuses his practice on representing individuals who have been accused of a variety of offenses, from misdemeanors to felonies. The work of a criminal defense attorney is as tough as it is important. That is because the presumption of innocence, what many of us know as the right to be considered innocent until proven otherwise, is the cornerstone of our justice system. As such, it requires sound legal counsel for all those accused. 

Mr. Arora takes his role and responsibilities within the Maryland criminal justice system very seriously. He also values the need for students to recognize whether they believe the laws that govern are just or unjust, and why. These traits are valuable in all citizens, not just criminal justice professionals, and Mr. Arora is dedicated to providing financial support and academic recognition to those who will pursue or support reasoned legal reform in the future.

Whether those goals are met with a law degree and practice, by pursuing a degree in another field that works within the criminal justice system, or through civic participation, Mr. Arora understands that the success of the criminal justice system depends on the success of the bright young individuals who are pursuing their academic dreams. To help them achieve their goals, and to further bolster the system that he so proudly serves, Mr. Arora has established the Kush Arora Criminal Justice Reform Scholarship. This scholarship will award $500 to a deserving student who has demonstrated a thoughtful, well-reasoned view of whether certain laws and criminal justice policies are just or unjust.

Scholarship Eligibility

The scholarship program is available to undergraduate, graduate, and law school students as well as incoming college freshmen in at an accredited institution in the United States. The candidate must be in good academic standing with at least a 3.0 minimum cumulative GPA and display their interest in criminal justice reform.


To apply for this scholarship, please submit:

  • A current resume,
  • An Academic transcript,
  • A 1,000-word essay providing a well-reasoned argument about whether a specific policy in the criminal justice system (your choice) is unjust and requires reform, or is just and should stay the same. They will be judged on the best-reasoned response, not on the position of the applicant.


The deadline to apply for this scholarship is December 31, 2020. 

Please send your complete application to [email protected] with the subject line: “[Applicant’s Name] – Federal Justice Reform Scholarship]” by the deadline to be considered.

Thank you for your interest in the 2020 Federal Justice Reform Scholarship, if you would like to learn more about the previous winners, visit our winners page.