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Baltimore Campus Alcohol Violations Lawyer

While most people understand the common alcohol laws, they may not be aware of how these laws change when applied to college campuses. Under some circumstances, the law is completely different as it integrates with the campus’s code of conduct. If you have been accused of violating campus alcohol laws, a seasoned student defense lawyer could be beneficial in helping you understand your rights. A Baltimore campus alcohol violations lawyer could analyze the facts of the case to determine your best course of action.

What are the Alcohol Laws in Baltimore?

The most common laws regarding alcohol on campus include not consuming alcohol until an individual is 21 years or older and only consuming it within the campus in designated areas. Many places on college campuses are not permitted to have alcohol. Additional alcohol laws are providing alcohol to those under 21 and consuming alcohol to the degree that it affects a person’s safety and the safety of other members of the community. For more information about the alcohol laws in Baltimore, contact an experienced attorney.

Alcohol Violation Charges

College is often the first time a student is away from home for an extended period of time without adult supervision. A student has opportunities to interact with people who are over 21 years of age who are able to purchase alcohol. Therefore, underage students are also able to access alcohol, which creates issues with responsible drinking and the legal consumption of alcohol.

The most common alcohol-related charges on college campuses are underage alcohol consumption or providing alcohol to someone who is under the age of 21. Charges involving a person who should not possess or consume alcohol because they are underage include a minor-in-consumption or a minor-in-possession. Providing alcohol to someone who is underage is a more significant charge because an individual over the age of 21 is entrusted by the law with the responsibility of being able to purchase and consume alcohol and does not do so. They not only break the law by providing alcohol to somebody who is under the age of 21, but they also violate the position of trust they have within the school system to be able to legally purchase and consume alcohol. In addition, someone who provides alcohol to an individual under the age of 21 causes others to break the law.

What is a Dry Campus?

Dry campuses are different in that individuals are not permitted to have alcohol on campus under any circumstances. Even if someone is over the age of 21, and is otherwise not breaking the law, they are breaking the code of student conduct. This is similar to cases on a high school parking lot where somebody might be over the age of 18 and within their rights legally to purchase cigarettes, but smoking cigarettes on the campus of the high school is against the rules.

Schools often take the same approach when it comes to alcohol. They believe the impact of a student consuming alcohol on campus could affect their safety and productivity, and the safety and productivity of other students within the campus community.

Campus Alcohol Consequences

Consequences of being found responsible for an alcohol-related charge on campus could be minor, such as doing community service or participating in an alcohol education or treatment program. However, there could be more significant consequences as well, such as suspension or expulsion from the community. An accomplished campus alcohol violations lawyer in Baltimore could help a defendant avoid these penalties and negotiate or a more favorable outcome.

Contact a Baltimore Campus Alcohol Violations Attorney for Help

If you have been accused of violating alcohol laws, it is important to reach out to a qualified attorney to develop a strong defense and mitigate potential consequences. Call a Baltimore campus alcohol violations lawyer to begin working on your case. Let a seasoned attorney fight for you.

Baltimore Student Defense Lawyer