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College Park Robbery Lawyer

Whenever individuals use force or threats of force to take or attempt to take the property of another, they may face robbery charges under Maryland law. All robbery-related offenses are felony offenses that carry the potential for significant terms of incarceration. If you are facing robbery charges, you may want your first call to be to a College Park robbery lawyer.

Aside from the lengthy prison sentence that can result from a robbery conviction, there are collateral consequences that you may also sustain. A conviction for any felony offense will force you to forfeit the right to possess any firearms and may adversely impact your ability to get certain jobs.

An accomplished theft attorney could help you understand the potential consequences of a robbery conviction and develop a strategy that is designed to avoid or minimize these repercussions.

Robbery Laws in College Park

Under Maryland Code, Criminal Law § 3-401(e), robbery is forcibly obtaining property or services of another. Property includes anything of value. This could also include labor, professional services, telecommunications, utilities, and various other forms of services. The word “obtain” with respect to property refers to a transfer in interest or possession, or with respect to services, to secure the performance of the service.

A College Park robbery attorney may be able to assist individuals who are charged with robbery and related offenses. For robbery to occur, individuals must have the intent to withhold the property or services as follows:

  • Permanently deprive the owner of its possession and use
  • Hold the property long enough for the property to lose part or all of its value
  • Withhold the property until receiving a reward or compensation
  • Take some action with respect to the property that makes it unlikely that the owner will recover it

With charges of committing robbery, attempting to commit robbery is also a felony offense pursuant to Md. Code, Crim. Law § 3-402. A robbery need not occur for individuals to face charges under this section. The penalties for attempted robbery are the same as those for robbery. This could include a maximum prison sentence of 15 years.

Armed Robbery and Carjacking Charges

Maryland law also provides for other offenses related to a robbery. These offenses may include armed robbery, attempted armed robbery, and carjacking.

Individuals who use a firearm or other dangerous weapon to commit or attempt to commit robbery, or who represent that they possess a dangerous weapon at the time of the robbery or attempted robbery commit armed robbery. This offense is a felony under Md. Code, Crim. Law § 3-403, and may result in a prison sentence of up to 20 years.

As dictated by Md. Code, Crim. Law § 3-405, carjacking occurs when individuals use threats of or actual force, violence, intimidation to purposely take unlawful control of a motor vehicle from another in possession of the vehicle.

If the individuals use or display a dangerous weapon in order to commit the carjacking, the offense becomes armed carjacking. Both carjacking and armed carjacking are felony offenses that carry up to a potential 30 years in prison. A defendant is recommended to consult a College Park robbery lawyer with experience in handling charges of armed robbery and carjacking.

Contact a College Park Robbery Attorney for Help

Robbery is a serious criminal offense in part since it encompasses elements of both theft and force, which transforms it into an offense that involves violence or at least the threat of violence.

If you or a loved one is facing robbery, armed robbery, or carjacking charges, it is highly advisable to contact an College Park robbery lawyer for help. Enlisting the assistance of a robbery defense attorney from the outset of your case may place you in a better position to fight the charges against you.

College Park Theft Lawyer