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How a Maryland DUI Affects Employment

A person’s employment can be affected by a Maryland DUI depending on the internal policy of that particular employer. When an employer prohibits their employees from receiving charges or convictions, a DUI could have a negative impact on their employability.

DUIs usually do not have an impact on employment regardless of the outcome unless the job involves driving. Someone driving public transportation, for example, might expect a significant impact depending on the resolution they receive from a DUI.

To determine how a Maryland DUI may affect your employment status, it is imperative to consult with a lawyer immediately. A DUI attorney in Maryland can best advise you on how to handle your claim both legally and with your employer.

Arrest vs. Conviction

An arrest means that a person is charged with something and processed at the police station. A conviction means that the matter went to court and a judge or a jury found the person guilty on the charge brought against them.

An experienced lawyer can help an individual determine how both an arrest or conviction for a Maryland DUI charge can affect their current employment status.

First Offense DUIs

Employment issues for a first offense DUI in Maryland depend on the employment situation of the person. When someone has an employment situation where they cannot receive any charges including DUIs; there could be repercussions. The circumstances vary on a case-by-case basis.

The DUI lawyer reviews a person’s employment situation with their client to make determinations about whether they have a responsibility to report the incident and how it might influence their employability.

Background Checks

Many employers in Maryland run background checks. Maryland and Montgomery County are neighbors to the District of Columbia, which means many people may be working in Maryland and DC in jobs that are highly secure like government military bases and government offices.

That means background checks or security checks are more likely in this area than in other parts of the country. It is important to review the implications to a person’s employment and background checks with a DUI attorney before making any decisions on how to move forward with the Maryland DUI case.

Impact on a Prospective Employer

The effect of a DUI conviction on a prospective employee’s record depends on the case. Some employers do not have any issues if an employee was driving under the influence or has driving while impaired charges on their record. Other employers take the charges seriously.

A person working in an office all day might never have to report a DUI or never have an impact as the result of their DUI. Somebody applying to drive a school bus would have their driving skills and history scrutinized.

It is likely that they are precluded from that employment when they have a DUI charge or conviction on their record. How a Maryland DUI will affect someone’s employment varies on a case-by-case basis.

Usually, if somebody is asked questions about their record on an application, they are given an opportunity to offer a statement or explanation in writing regarding the incident. In other circumstances, they might be contacted to explain further the incident in their background and how it was resolved.

A DUI conviction is on a person’s record forever. They might be required to explain a DUI conviction to prospective employers before being offered employment. The impact a person experiences varies depending on the goals for their career. A DUI conviction can be scrutinized as one goes through the application process.

Impact on Current Employer

Some employers require people to report incidents such as arrests or convictions to their employer when they occur. The employer can take that information into consideration when making determinations about the person’s employment.