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Damage Control in Maryland DUIs

A DUI can cause a slew of problems for the individual accused. Not to mention a license suspension, fines, and possible jail time, this charge can leave an emotional dent in a person’s wellbeing. If you have found yourself in this situation, it is important to speak to an attorney immediately.

A Maryland DUI lawyer can be extremely helpful in analyzing the case, and in counseling an individual on any damage control that needs to occur. The right attorney can help to ensure that your case is handled with the strength and attention it deserves.

Alcohol Education Courses

After a DUI charge, it is recommended that the accused individual enrolls in an alcohol education course. The goal of these courses is to teach individuals about alcohol, and the effects it has on their decision making. An alcohol education course is typically going to last 12 hours and will be conducted over six, two-hour sessions, or 12 one-hour sessions. There are also programs that conduct the entire course over one weekend.


The advantage of taking an alcohol education course is that it is the best course of damage control that an individual can show to the court in a DUI case. It shows the court that the individual is taking the case seriously. Between being charged with the offense and going to court, the only thing that someone can do to show the courts that they are taking the offense seriously is to enroll in some kind of alcohol education or treatment course. Generally, clients that have completed alcohol education courses prior to their court date have had much more favorable outcomes.

Alcohol Education and Treatment Options

There are many different options for alcohol education and treatment programs, which will vary depending on the intensity of the individual’s drinking problem. The simplest and most basic program are the aforementioned 12-hour alcohol education course. These courses provide education but do not provide any individualized treatment.

Following the 12-hour course is a 26-hour alcohol education and treatment program. In a 26-hour program, the first 12 hours consist of alcohol education, which is followed up with 14 hours of either individualized or group alcohol treatment programs. From there, someone can go to a 48-week or 52-week program, which is 12 hours of education followed by a significant period of individualized or group treatment.

Even further, there are inpatient, residential alcohol treatment programs. The shortest inpatient program is a weekend program, followed up by some kind of alcohol education or treatment after-care program. This is a 26-week program. Finally, individual’s have the option to utilize inpatient therapy for significantly longer periods of time. There are 28-day programs, 2-week programs, and 90 or 120 days residential programs.

Individuals should approach these courses professionally and should go in expecting to learn something. An individual must not only attend, but must participate in these programs so that they can be effective. All of these programs is an extremely effective way to control the damage associated with a DUI charge.

Insurance Issues

An individual should not speak to his or her insurance provider about the DUI arrest. The individual should hire an attorney and allow the attorney to speak to the insurance provider on his or her behalf. An attorney will be able to determine whether the provider has a requirement that a person informs them of a DUI. If there is a requirement, generally the insurance company will want the person to provide a written or recorded statement giving the details of the incident.

Given that there will a pending DUI court case, an individual should not make any incriminating statements that may be used against him or her. As such, an attorney will be able to let the insurance provider know that the person would not be making any statements at that time. Additionally, the accused individual may be required to purchase SR22 high-risk insurance at a higher cost and maintain this type of insurance for a few years after the conviction.

An individual should not speak to his or her insurance company before speaking to a lawyer. This will ensure that his or her rights are protected and that he or she does not make any incriminating statements. Additionally, if there is an accident involved, the insurance company will become notified of the incident on their own when the other driver involved makes a claim with the individual’s insurance company.

Importance of an Attorney

Individuals should contact an attorney immediately after a DUI arrest to have their case evaluated, and begin any damage control that needs to occur. Additionally. after being released from the police station, the individual should write down all of the details about the initial stop and DUI arrest that he or she can remember. Furthermore, the individual should speak with any witnesses that may have been with him or her prior to driving the vehicle or at the scene of the traffic stop. There are certain actions that someone needs to take very quickly after they have been arrested for a DUI, and speaking to a lawyer should be at the top of that priority list. The sooner a lawyer is contacted, the sooner a proper defense can be crafted.