Montgomery County Criminal Cases: Mistakes to Avoid
When someone is charged with a crime in Montgomery County, Maryland, there are a variety of ways they might negatively influence their case. A lot of these mistakes can be avoided by simply not speaking with local law enforcement until you have consulted with an experienced Montgomery County criminal defense lawyer and have them by your side. Although someone may believe that cooperating with police will show that they have nothing to hide, and are thus innocent, that is not always how their actions will be interpreted. Police officers are looking to prove their case against a person, and will interpret your behavior in a way that will benefit them, which may impact how fairly you are treated.
Basic Three-Point Checklist when Charged with a Crime
When charged with a crime, every person should make sure they have completed the following:
- They have an attorney whom they can contact immediately to discuss potential options for representation.
- They, along with their attorney, have the ability to map out everything that has happened in the case. It is important that their Montgomery County criminal defense attorney is well aware of what was going on at the time and conducts an investigation properly for the defense’s side.
- Any collateral issues that need to be taken care of, such as bonds, are sorted out with the attorney as well. If they are incarcerated as a result of the case, ensure that the attorney is able to get a bond.
Biggest Mistakes To Avoid
One of the most important things to avoid in a Montgomery County criminal situation is talking to police without speaking to an experienced criminal defense lawyer first. Many times when people are placed under arrest, they believe that they will be able to talk their way out of it or clear their own name. They believe that, because they are innocent, there is no harm in speaking with law enforcement offices honestly and directly. In those circumstances people often give information to the police or law enforcement that as a matter of fact can be used against them in a criminal prosecution on a future date. However, there is the possibility that law enforcement officials and prosecutors will misunderstand what you say and use it against you during your case.
Hiring an experienced Montgomery County criminal lawyer early on when dealing with law enforcement is extremely beneficial because the lawyer will have seen all this behavior before. He or she will be familiar with law enforcement tactics and logic. It is your attorney’s job to look our for you and protect you from potentially hurting your own case. The most important thing that somebody needs to do is contact an attorney, either after they are arrested, or the moment they know that they are under investigation for something.
Avoiding These Mistakes
The thing people can do to avoid making this mistake is to contact an attorney before they make any decision about speaking with any law enforcement agents or taking any action. An attorney can help advise you on what your rights are in these circumstances. More importantly, they can potentially reach out to law enforcement or prosecutors to put an end to an investigation that might have no merit, before you are actually charged or arrested for something for which you should not be.